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Tired Eyes Melbourne

Tired Eyes
Key Points Tired Eyes
  • ‘Tired eyes’ have a sunken appearance under your eyes, forming dark shadows and a look that screams ‘I am tired’.
  • Volume loss around your eyes and cheeks causes the tissue around your eye to sag and a hollow to form, known as your tear trough.
  • Thin, lax, and wrinkly skin overlying the tear trough also contributes to a tired appearance.
  • The Dr. Jodie clinic offers consultations on how to refresh the area under your eyes.

What Causes Tired Eyes And Tear Trough Hollows?

Your tear troughs are shallow hollows that form underneath your eyes. These hollows are present even in youth and should not be considered an anatomical defect – they are a normal feature of any face. Even infants have a soft hollowing of their tear troughs. Tear troughs may be deeper in some individuals as a result of genetics, but commonly become worse with ageing. Normal ageing in your tear troughs starts in your mid-teens.

As you age, there is a loss of bone in your eye socket in a pattern that is like Aviator sunglasses – your bony orbit widens in its upper inner and lower outer aspects. You also experience loss of your inner cheek bone and deep fat. This means that the foundational support of your midface shrinks, which forces your overlying tissue layers and your skin above to slide down your face. All this downward droop causes your tear troughs to elongate and mid cheek grooves to form, along the pathways of your sagging facial ligaments.

Your under eye area also appears worse due to the presence of thin skin, which becomes more lax and wrinkly with ageing. Mature skin has less collagen and elastin content, so it is less firm and elastic, causing underlying hollows and bulges to look more apparent.

It is important to look beyond deepening hollows and poor skin texture when it comes to tired eyes. Dark circles can also be due to the presence of unwanted blood vessels and pigmentation. Changes in skin colour can make the appearance of your tear troughs even worse.

How Can Melbourne’s Dr. Jodie Clinic Help With Tired Eyes?

The Dr. Jodie clinic offer consultations on how to treat tired eyes and tear trough hollows.

It is important to understand that the aim of treatment is always to soften the under eye hollows, but not eliminate them, as tear trough hollows are a normal anatomical feature.

Treatment of tired eyes will aim to restore volume loss, improve skin quality, and minimise unwanted blood vessels and pigmentation. Clearly, a multi-pronged approach is required to achieve your best outcome.

A combination of solutions including medical treatments, skin care, skin peels, LED therapy, mono threads, Laser Genesis, Excel V+ Laser, Medi Pulse Pro XL IPL, and the Scarlet S Radio Frequency Microneedling.

Please note that any treatment that includes the use of schedule 4 medications cannot legally be advertised online, as directed by our governing body the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), so it is not a feature of our discussion here.

It is important to understand that treatment of the under eye area is extremely complex. Sometimes non-surgical treatments will fall short and surgical intervention is a better option. At the Dr. Jodie clinic, we can guide your choice of options and link you with our preferred surgical providers if recommended.

Your first step is always consultation with your Dr. Jodie clinician.

What Happens At Your Consultation For Tired Eyes At Melbourne’s Dr. Jodie Clinic?

Your Dr. Jodie clinician will meticulously assess your face to identify the factors contributing to your tired look. This means careful examination for volume loss, crepey skin, blood vessels, and brown hues. It is important to understand that when treating tear troughs, you must review the volume and structure of your entire midface, as anatomically your cheeks support your tear troughs. It is rare to consider isolated tear troughs treatments, unless you are particularly young and have good midface volume.

Based on her findings and your past medical history, she will determine if you are a good candidate for tired eyes treatments and formulate a plan based on your individual needs. The plan will be detailed so you will understand the treatment processes involved, risks and benefits, expected downtime, maintenance, and costs. Your Dr. Jodie clinician believes medical and financial consent are equally important, so you will always know where you stand. You will have ample opportunity to ask questions and participate in your treatment planning process. She will also document your journey with standardised clinical photography.

Tailored Approach To Tired Eyes And Tear Trough Hollows In Melbourne

At the Dr. Jodie clinic, solutions for tired eyes and tear troughs are designed to suit your unique face. Your Dr. Jodie clinician will always offer personalised care based on your individual needs, your capacity for recovery time, your budget, and your lifestyle. You will never have to tolerate a ‘cookie cutter’ or ‘one size fits all’ approach.  Each facet contributing to your tired appearance will be considered in the treatment planning process, as will the balance and harmony of the rest of your face. Some individuals may require greater focus on cheek and tear trough volume restoration, while others may need greater emphasis on skin treatments. You can feel confident that your Dr. Jodie clinician will provide a treatment plan tailored just for you.

Refereshed Focus For Tired Eyes And Tear Trough Hollows In Melbourne

At the Dr. Jodie clinic, our adage when it comes to cosmetic treatments is 'subtle yet significant'. Tear trough treatments should leave you looking fresher and less tired, without the tell-tale signs of cosmetic intervention. To achieve a normal looking result, it is important to choose an experienced provider. Unfortunately, the under eye area is one of the most poorly treated areas on the face by clinicians in general. There is an art to ensuring you do not develop puffiness or an unsightly bulge. Your Dr. Jodie physician is committed to delivering a refreshed outcome and will carefully consider the delicate and complex anatomy of the under eye area during the process. Tear trough treatments can be dangerous given the proximity of the eye, so clinician selection is truly everything! Always remember that the task is to soften your tear trough hollows whilst keeping a natural looking contour. The aim is not to completely obliterate your hollows - 'flawless' tear troughs only exist with filters on social media, not in real life.

Trust The Dr. Jodie Clinic For Tired Eyes And Tear Trough Hollows In Melbourne

Dr. Jodie is experienced in managing all aspects of tired eyes and has been a key speaker on tear trough treatments on a national level, educating other doctors, nurses, and specialists on how to perform such treatments with optimal care and safety. More recently, she participated in an international scientific community meeting on the approach to peri-orbital treatment that has led to a 2024 publication in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal. With more than 15 years of industry experience, she has trained alongside some of Melbourne’s leading cosmetic dermatologists. She has mentored and trained her own Dr. Jodie clinicians to provide the same high level of care that prioritises your health and safety as much as your aesthetic outcome. You can relax knowing you are in good hands with your tired eyes treatments at the Dr. Jodie clinic.

For a consultation to discuss your forehead line concerns at the Dr. Jodie clinic in Melbourne, including Ashwood, Balwyn, Blackburn, Box Hill, Burwood, Camberwell, Canterbury, Forest Hill, Mont Albert, Surrey Hills, and more, call 0422232067 or click below to book an appointment online